Busy few days!

Well, it has been a few days and man have they been busy! We have moved into the Ronald McDonald house. It is nice to be out of the trailer even though our space is not much bigger. Here are some photos of the apartment.


This photo is from the front door. There is one small bedroom to the left and the kitchen is behind me to the right.

justin-9256So now I am standing under the television. There is the kitchen and the exit sign I was standing under in the first photo. The bathroom is the door you can see on the right. So there you have it. Our whole apartment. Wendy and I can only walk in certain parts because the ceiling slants down everywhere because we are in the “attic” of this old mansion. That ladder and loft you see behind you is where the kids are sleeping. Yes, I got Madison and Quinn the night before last! It’s so great!

justin-9258Here is a picture of the kitchen. Like I said, I have to duck in most of this room. Opening the fridge is a tricky task!

justin-0982Before the kids got here we went to the zoo. We took the train back to the trailer. I just liked this pic.

justin-0990This is another cute one of those two hangin out together at dinner. We found the Texas Roadhouse šŸ™‚

So I will get some more pics of the house and the kids being here soon. Still waiting for the pager to go off! It’s day 15 today.

~ by liquidchildabuse on April 24, 2009.

4 Responses to “Busy few days!”

  1. I am so excited for you guys, I am praying everything goes well tonight. LOVE Y’ALL!

  2. I’m keeping you guys in my prays and I hope all goes well! Keep us posted!
    I’m glad y’all found a Texas Roadhouse too! šŸ™‚

  3. We are praying for you Justin Get Well fast so you can come home soon.

  4. I’m so glad that Justin was finally able to get his heart that he’s been waiting so long for. We hope that his recovery is quick so that you can all come home soon. We love you and miss you. You are all in our prayers!

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