We are out of the hospital

OK- so we made it out of the hospital. Justin is in some pain from the PICC line in his arm.  He forgets that he has another bag and line attatched to his body. So he will walk away and pull on it every once in a while. I found a way around the computer glitch in regards to posting images, so here are some from the last couple of days. Before I go, just an interesting note:  Justin has already been considered for two hearts over the weekend. They weren’t right for him, but at least he is being considered. Also, instead of the original 6 to 9 months we were planning on being here after transplant, it looks like it will only be 1 to 2 months instead. Which is great news since we are all desperately missing our family.


This is Justin outside on a rainy day. It was beautiful out there. A little wet, but beautiful.

justin-9183Here it is! The letter and the pager! We are officially listed.

justin-9188The official letter from UNOS (United Network of Organ Sharing) saying that he is on the list!

justin-9168Justin in the playroom at the hospital. Of course he finds the gameboy!

justin-9189Wendy and Justin playing Rummikub! A family favorite for sure 🙂

justin-9178This is Justin’s spelling lesson. He has a spelling test once a week. His first spelling test he got 14 out of 20. Then Wendy took a spelling test to show him how it’s done. Wendy got 14 out of 20. 🙂

justin-9173Wendy talking to her mamma. Like I said, we are missing our family like crazy! We love you all so much!

~ by liquidchildabuse on April 14, 2009.

2 Responses to “We are out of the hospital”

  1. Awww I love the pictures. Thats my aunt way to show him how its done on the spelling test LMAO. Yall look like you are doing good to try and keep each other busy.

  2. Hey Justin – I challenge you to a game of Rummikub when you get back (Or if we come out to visit). It’s one of my favorites!!

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